Will the NRA advocate the Second Amendment Right of Americans to own hand-held laser weapons?
resolved Jan 20

The era of hand-held laser weapons capable of burning holes through flesh is in our future. Will they be banned like fully automatic guns, grenades, mortars and rocket launchers, or will gun rights advocates and politicians support their sale to the public?

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@MarcMayerson on what timeframe? By end of year, as suggested by the close date? Or a longer timeframe (in which case you may wich to extend the market close date)?

I think, in theory, the NRA should advocate for hand held laser weapons (such a weapon would be roughly equivalent to a hand gun but would presumably be less lethal), however the question does assume premise that "the era of hand-held laser weapons capable of burning holes through flesh is in our future", which I find unlikely. Mainly because I think that the power supply of such a weapon would be too large (and/or expensive) for it to be commercially feasible:

Also note that any laser weapon which is capable of burning flesh would be presumptively banned internationally based on the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_on_Blinding_Laser_Weapons because any laser capable of burning flesh would certainly be capable of blinding people.

I don't understand why the international consensus is that trying to blind your enemies is somehow worse than trying to kill them, but it would probably be bad optics (pun intended) for the NRA to advocate for weapons which violate international law (especially since the advocacy would probably need to come before such weapons are actually produced).