Will Llama3 be better than Mistral 2
resolved Apr 26

Question will resolve 1 month after both models are released.

Llama 3 refers to whatever model/set of models is released by Meta and clearly intended as a replacement/upgrade for llama2. If for example they decide to rebrand their next set of models as "uber llama", that will still count.

Mistral 2 refers to whatever model/set of models is released by Mistral AI and clearly intended as a replacement/upgrade for the current open source Mistral model.

Unless both Meta and Mistral release a model by June 2024, this question will resolve ambiguously.

Answer will be determined based on chatbot arena leaderboard (https://chat.lmsys.org/)

Assuming llama3 and mistral2 come with multiple versions, will be based on the highest ranking version of each. For example in the case of llama2 vs mistral, this would mean comparing Llama-2-70b-chat with an elo of 1065 and Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 with an elo of 1008.

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Do you want to resolve YES now?

@Sss19971997 thanks, resolving "YES"

predicted YES

Just to make sure, mistral 2 is mistral 8x7b, right?

What happens if lmsys arena cease to exist?