Does Olivia has an appointment about starting HRT before the start of 2023?
resolved Jul 27
This market resolves to YES if Olivia has an appointment with a doctor (not therapist) to begin the process of going on HRT. This does not necessarily need to be getting the medication, but could be for things like blood draws before prescription. Olivia is hoping to be a professor in computer science, and will be defending dissertation in a couple years. All other pressures are fairly generic. Close date updated to 2023-01-01 11:59 pm Close date updated to 2023-01-01 12:00 am Apr 5, 12:02pm: Lives in United States
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bought Ṁ50 of YES
This is a little preemptive, but I have talked to the doctor and the appointment will be scheduled some time later today
predicted YES
As in we will be scheduling it then, not it is scheduled for then
predicted YES
Ophelia, I updated in description, but don't know if that notifies. I live in the US
predicted YES
Relevant update: I found out that a rough upper bound on the delay from sperm cryopreservation is 150 days from this Thursday. Any hormone appointment would likely be after this. A lower bound on this delay would be 72 days. The upper bound currently seems closer to the truth.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
What country do you live in?
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Mostly so I can track it from my portfolio