Will the Democrats embrace YIMBYism in their 2024 party platform?

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What does this mean to resolve true? For example in 2020 Democrats had already mentioned increasing the supply of housing along with some other promises. https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/building-a-stronger-fairer-economy/

@wilsonkime When the democrats reveal their 2024 platform I will look for some key components of YIMBYism. First of all, if it mentions the words 'Yes In My Back Yard' or the acronym, that's a clear YES. But generally speaking, I'll be looking for two things: the presence of pro-building policies (repealing restrictive zoning, parking mandates, etc), and the absence of anti-building policies (increasing restrictive zoning, parking mandates, etc). YIMBY/NIMBY policies tend to be more state and local than federal, but the point is to see if platform sees increasing housing supply as an unambiguous good thing, and pro-building policy the way to get there.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@LarsDoucet On this basis I'm buying more yes.

@LarsDoucet What if they include inclusionary zoning, which is ostensibly YIMBY but actually NIMBY, or a mix of both kinds of policy you mention?

@Yoav It’s got to be unambiguously YIMBY. Now, a party platform is vague and even the most purely stated policy can be subverted by actual implementation, but since we’re just judging the platform we go on the text alone. So:

-Just calling for “more affordable housing” is not enough

-Calling for abolishing exclusionary zoning counts

-Calling for abolishing Parking mandates counts

-Ultimately it will be somewhat subjective

Manifold in the wild: A Tweet by Lars "Land is a Big Deal" Doucet

Will the Democrats embrace YIMBYism in their 2024 platform? https://manifold.markets/LarsDoucet/will-the-democrats-embrace-yimbyism?r=TGFyc0RvdWNldA