Will "Manifolders" become the defacto name for what users of this site call themselves by February 2022?
100Ṁ413resolved Feb 1
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I think Manifolders is too much of a mouthful, and too many characters, to become the site demonym. I guess Metaculites is also long and a mouthful, but I think it's unwieldliness is part and parcel of Metaculus' failure to breakthrough to the mainstream—how many people who aren't self-identified rationalists or readers of Slate Star Codex / Astral Codex X even know what Metaculus is?
I think any of these is more likely to become the demonym than Manifolders:
- Manis
- Manies
- Mantis
- Manties (these two playing off the old "Mantic Markets name)
- Folders
- Foldies
Metaculus has "metaculites", used eg in question titles here https://www.metaculus.com/questions/4786/what-will-be-the-minimum-credence-metaculites-will-give-trumps-re-election-chances-in-2020/ and here https://www.metaculus.com/questions/5287/when-will-america-have-an-emigration-crisis/