Will Donald Trump win the 2024 US Presidential Election?
Nov 7
#Politics #USPolitics #Elections #DonaldTrump
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Babydog is up in polls?

bought Ṁ100 YES

Trump’s win is almost guaranteed after today

Almost guaŕanteed is 90%? 95%? 99%?

10 days later, this seems to have already aged poorly. What a campaign...

Wild that there are zero bets during the debate, in theory one of the highest leverage points before the election

Why is this market so off versus betting markets?

@Ronan Alternatively, why are the betting markets so off vs this market?

haha, yup same question.

Why the difference?

@Ronan I assume the real-money markets have Trump higher? They usually tend to give Republicans higher chances, while Manifold gives Democrats higher chances. I think it's because the user bases are different, and there's some wishcasting going on.

@PlasmaBallin Yeah exactly.

Bit odd though, would seem like an arbitrage opportunity if the money markets are wishcasting

@Ronan They're typically not that far apart once you account for opportunity costs and spread (Which can give something like 5% of leeway).

The trial likely will have little to no effect, but gasoline wholesale prices are also collapsing, as well as major retailers about to cut prices.

Iranian oil is about to get sanctioned in the foreign aid bill, potentially pushing up gas prices.

bought Ṁ39 YES

The hot CPI forcing bonds up and tanking the market plus Iran possibly striking Israel and sending up oil prices/possible recession seem to help Trump more than the Arizona abortion situation helps Biden.

sold Ṁ440 YES

Taking my profit from the ramp up from previous negative sentiment against Trump’s chances. I don’t see this going higher than uncertainty without a black swan event. I thought it would be inevitable that Trump would be the mainstream candidate for the GOP but now that we are here I don’t know what will happen next.

@PatrickDelaney The labor market is deteriorating fast from surveys such as NFIB, Kansas City Fed, JOLTS, NY Fed, ISM, and Household Employment BLS survey

@riverwalk3 Links to Sources = 10*(Assertions) = 100*("Go Google It Yourself")


What will happend if he eventually doesn't run? @LarsDoucet

@Gyfer He doesn't win the election. It's very hard to win elections without running.

@AaronKreider for sure, but one could consider to resolve this question as N/A and that was my question 😉

I don't know if he'll actually win, but I suspect something will happen as the campaign goes along that will make his probability of winning at least temporarily seem much higher, so there's still profit to be had in this market at the current probability, even if ~25% is probably a realistic estimate for him actually winning in the end. Basically, as with all things Trump, bet on volatility.

I hate to say this but it needs to be said. The fact that Trump has been indicted on Federal charges helps him. Based upon actuarial tables: https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html ... the probability of dying at age 78 (Trump's age next year) vs. 81.5 (Biden's age next year) is around 1.5 times less, as aging is highly exponential at upper ages. This will lead to a Harris vs. Trump situation, even if Biden is on the campaign trail and ostensibly running, it will effectively be Trump vs. Harris, which is like saying Trump vs. SuperHillary. There is nothing likable about Harris at all, she's basically a cop to left-wing ACAB people, and she's a "muslim," Obama (e.g. Satan, meaning, a threat to white supremacy) to Republicans, and I say this as someone who, Harris was my favorite candidate in 2020 (I know, I'm lame). But what about Desantis? I'm sorry, the age of Desantis is over now that Trump has been indicted. He can't whip people up into a frenzy like Trump can, he constantly treads lightly around Trump for fear of reprisal, he truly is, "Meatball Ron," to Republicans, using that pseudo-racial epithet to deride him is extremely effective to the fascist-christian base...he's catholic, Italian (and therefore somehow not quite perfectly white or at the top of the imagined racial hierarchy on a basal ganglia level). People have forgotten 2022, it's ancient history. It's going to be a bloodbath and the end of America and I am not looking forward to it.

predicts YES

No one's as hated as Hillary. Maybe Dick Cheney.

Harris is scum; she's a prosecutor (so evil by default) who literally made her name hunting harmless sex workers and putting the ones she didn't catch in more danger by breaking Backpage (and then later, pushing for FOSTA and SESTA) - there's only one category of crimes she could have pursued that would make her worse, and that's drug possession. The liberals hate her as much as the leftists.

And yet, if it's against Trump again - they'll line up. And hope somebody assassinates her before Election Day, possibly. But they'll show up.

@JiSK agreed, I think it's common opinion among Democrats and possibly moderates too that if Trump wins it's literally the end of democracy