Hillary Clinton signals in any way she might run for president in 2024
Jan 1
If she says she's "considering it" or "forming an exploratory committee", that counts. If "aids close to her" say "it's a possibility", that counts. If she says she "hasn't ruled it out", that counts. If she announces her candidacy obviously that counts. If she's asked about it and she's evasive and doesn't really say anything, that doesn't count. #USA #Politics
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let's go, Hilary!

predicts YES

The right hates Hillary almost as much as the left hates Trump.

If "aids close to her" say "it's a possibility", that counts.

That makes betting here a bad idea as media are perfectly fine with blatantly lying about such things.

Otherwise it would be clear no.

Doubt it, and really hope she doesn't. Incredibly unlikable politician and the American people already shared their thoughts on her in 2016.
I came here to post that article as well!