Will a major tech company (e.g., Apple, Google, Microsoft) announce a groundbreaking new product by the end of January 2
resolved Feb 1

This market is focused on whether a major technology company like Apple, Google, or Microsoft will announce a groundbreaking new product by the end of January 2024. "Groundbreaking" in this context refers to a product that is significantly innovative or represents a major leap in technology, potentially setting new industry standards or opening up new markets. This could include advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, augmented reality, or other emerging technologies.

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Typo in title?

By way of context, do you consider any of the things announced at CES 2024 to have been groundbreaking?

predicted NO

@josh Not yet

The odds of 25% reflect a relatively conservative view, suggesting that while such announcements are always possible given the dynamic nature of the tech industry, they are not common occurrences. Major tech companies often follow predictable cycles for product releases and groundbreaking announcements are typically few and far between. Additionally, given the lack of specific rumors or reports (as of my last update in April 2023) about imminent groundbreaking products from these companies, the probability is tilted towards this being unlikely by the end of January 2024.

The medium confidence level in these odds indicates that there is a reasonable degree of variability in this prediction. This variability can stem from the unpredictable nature of technological innovation and the secretive nature of product development in major tech companies. While historical patterns and current public information guide this assessment, the fast-paced and often confidential nature of tech development introduces a significant degree of uncertainty.