Will lesswrong's debate feature still exist after april fools?
resolved May 3

Resolves yes if lesswrong's new debate feature still exists at market close. Resolves yes early if this is easy to determine, but if the feature is a real permanent feature and yet gets pulled temporarily after april fools, then as long as it comes back before market close, market still resolves yes.

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So, everyone thought it would... but I can't figure out how to use it. Uhoh. LW devs, what's going on? I'll take a few days to resolve it to be sure I get it right, but I suspect this may be a no after all.

@L the good news is the biggest loss is a lesswrong dev, so at least it means some accountability! ;) @JamesBabcock

predicted YES

@L Someone was clearly able to use it after april fools. https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/M6dRmRtsBsxWTpeye/talking-about-mentorship

predicted YES

Currently, only moderators can create new debates. This will be broadened after we've improved some aspects of the debate-participant experience that are currently janky.

@Multicore linked post was deleted? Are there other examples?

predicted YES

@MartinRandall I don't recall any. Not sure it ever got out of admin only.