Will anybody guess the rule of Unfair chess before move 20?
resolved Dec 25

Upd. Because of the fact that there are two games now with the same rule, the market will close when at least one of them reaches 20th move.

Resolves after the match is complete, so I do not give out hints by resolving it.

Whether the guess of the rule idea

was close enough I will decide purely subjectively.

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The rule was guessed by @Stralor on 01.11.2023

The rule is: A player can only move his piece, if it is connected to his king through a chain of friendly pieces.

Chain link is two adjacent pieces, in a line or diagonally.

The guess was: the rule is that players can only move pieces that are connected in a chain of adjacency to their king, including rooks during castling (even though it's a king move)

@KongoLandwalker did they? Should this resolve?

@EvanDaniel "resolves after the match is complete", so i don't give out the info about the match which is still ongoing.

This is not supposed to resolve yet, and Daniel Tello even criticised me when I forgot to reread the description and wanted to resolve.

@KongoLandwalker Makes sense! I was surprised to see it closed early; thanks for the explanation!

predicted YES

@KongoLandwalker sorry, didn’t mean it as criticism, just a friendly reminder. I thought the reasoning in the description for it closing at the 20th move but resolving after both matches ended to not give clues about the rule made perfect sense to keep the games fair, or perhaps I should say “Unfair” (even if that wasn’t your intention).

But now that the rule has been known by all (and confirmed by a player’s clever choice of instrument forcing you to answer truthfully), I guess it’s now at least mutual knowledge and likely common knowledge, so a resolution here would not affect either game.

@deagol I don't get why people feel that "criticism" is a bad word. I am not offended when people point at my mistakes.

Not everybody follows all 3 markets at once, so it is not a common knowledge yet. But I believe if somebody starts proposing bad moves he would quickly be informed. So you are right, no point to keep the market unresolved.

Rule guess

Pieces cannot move unless adjacent to own king or connected via chain of own side pieces on adjacent squares, adjacent being considered to include one square diagonal vertical or horizontal. The king is considered connected to itself and castling is only possible if the moving rook is connected to its own side’s king.

Travelling so I have more checking to do on this so may take a while before next move.

@Stralor given the change to either match reaching move 20, and you have bet yes here, I wanted to check you had put your guess in before I make move 20

predicted YES

Move 20 is close. As soon as ChristopherRandles42ce makes a move this market closes (not resolves).

predicted NO

@KongoLandwalker that’s not what the description says

Resolves after the match is complete, so I do not give out hints by resolving it.

@deagol there is an update since the start of the second game.

predicted NO

@KongoLandwalker that says when the market will close, and the next line I quoted says when it will resolve. Anyway, won’t make a difference to me but I try to avoid betting when rules can change so casually midway through a market.

@deagol I did not notice. I wanted to say "resolve" in the update. You are right, the market closes soon but resolves at the end, according to the rules.

I'm pretty confident that I know the rule. Can I confer with you privately or must I post publicly?

@Stralor I prefer to see you match with asymmetric information. If you make a public attempt, Christopher ideas would not be uninterfered (even if you fail to be close enough).

I suggest you use a discord. kongolandwalker

@Stralor on your place I would prefer to win the game against other player, rather than get profit from this market. If you reveal your info, your chances to win go closer to 50%.

The other match with the same rule has already reached move 12


predicted YES

My current guess based on the illegality of dxe5 would be that some or all pawns can also move like Bishops or Queens or at least have an additional movement option.
I'm assuming dxe5 is illegal because the pawn is somehow pinned to the King by the b6 pawn?

Hmmm this definitely isn't the entirety if it is true at all. The other illegal moves don't map onto this perfectly.

predicted YES

@Daltonis Alternatively there could be some weird 'pinning mechanic' in play not necessarily connected with the presence/position of the King but it's bothersome to find all the past illegal moves and map them onto the position at the time.

Thanks for extending date that does appear to make sense.

Do guesses have to be placed in comments here or are comments on will I win claim sufficient?

predicted YES

@ChristopherRandles both places count.

predicted YES

The match is still far from 20th move. Should I move the close date, so more people can bet?