Are aliens watching Earth?
Dec 31

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Unlisting this market due to bad faith comments and attitude from creator.


@ian Hey Ian, ahhh so you are censoring me? Centralised fella ey? I am a web3 dev, want help making a better version of this site with crypto rewards?


@ian Also Ian, whats your vote? Aliens watching us, yay or nay?

@K42 You’ve been on this site for less than a week. You’ve made a total of two markets. And you’ve demonstrated that you don’t understand how the markets work.

And yet you now want to redesign the site… but with crypto…

Here's a market about whether your resolution will be meaningful and supported by evidence, or whether it'll be dumb nonsense, as judged by me.


@Jotto999 ahahahah thank you that really clears things up for everyone :) ahahah

Btw @everyone The answer to this market is 42


Watch this then lol

Selling my shares and cutting my losses. I anticipate from the comment chain with Nathan that the author of this market is going to resolve YES no matter what. I do not recommend interpreting this market as actually tracking whether Manifold thinks aliens are watching earth.


@Nikola The result of this market is about what people think collectively via consensus, I trust in my thinking and know what I think concisely, so I have put on yes.

@K42 The result of the market is about what people collectively think YOU will resolve it as… This is why many people explicitly commit to using objective resolution criteria, so there’s less of a chance of a biased resolution.

@K42 I don't think it can be said to represent a meaingful average of people's opinions when one person (you) owns more than half of all the shares

@akrasiac Yeah man, I know what I think. I am not here to be on polls and earn mana, my intention is the exploration of others' thoughts on topics via this site. But it seems to be a place where people gamble on markets instead, and then start contention in the comment section for what?

@K42 Yes, as far as I can tell, Manifold is a place where people gamble on markets. It is not really a place where we explore each other's thoughts on highly speculative topics. Of course, it's fine do so, but it doesn't seem like the design of this site is particularly suited to that.

If your goal really is to figure out what people think about aliens, I think that's totally fine and commendable. I would just recommend that you refrain from betting heavily in the market if your goal is to find out what people other than you think about the topic.

@K42 The name of the site is Manifold MARKETS… The point of a market is to get more mana.

Otherwise, if all you want to do is hear random people’s ideas about a topic, you can go to Reddit or Twitter for that.


@akrasiac Ok thank you my g, noted! And so mana, is it actually an erc20 token?


@NathanNguyen Markets are ways ideas actualise and transmit via basic value exchange, and manifold is something else much deeper, the whole universe is manifolds, its also a web3 thing to me, im a web3 dev, so to me this is a place where ideas can dance in consensus through basic consensus shapes. (Shapes as in the synergetic fractals of data)


@NathanNguyen And don't tell me where to go bro, I am here.

@K42 No, it's just play money.


@horse Ok thank you!


Why is this at 58%? Are people trading on the author of the market being reliable or on the actual probability of aliens present in the solar system?


@Nikola Well you cant speak for what others are trading for, what are YOU trading for? Do you not trust in your own thinking?

@K42 the strategy for getting mana is not to predict the actual thing, it's to predict the resolution, which is not necessarily truth tracking if the resolution criteria are not such that they actually capture the question being asked, or when the market author misresolves on purpose. Sadly, it seems that your model of the world is very different from mine, and that you are likely to resolve YES even if there aren't aliens watching us (or in general not resolve in a way that tracks measurable things), so I'm not going to lose mana by buying NO. I wish you all the best though! I'd be curious to hear why you believe what you believe


@Nikola I am not here to get mana, this is about what YOU think, I made the market right?


@Nikola Do people really just gamble of these polls?

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