If Kamala Harris is elected will Israel still exist 2 years after inaguration?

Resolves yes if Israel is still recognized by the UN 2 years after inagguration. Trump says he’s good at predictions, so let’s see! Resolves N/A if Harris is not elected.

The only bets I will make is to bet it down to 10%, and a sell order at 5%. After that, I will not bet.

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Title does not agree with description - resolves yes if Israel still exists (is still recognized to exist) or resolves yes if Israel is no longer recognized (does NOT "still exist")?

@IanCullinan Yup, thanks. Changed description, cause yeah

Edit: I probably would have N/A-ed this if I wasn’t the only NO holder, but it would both appear and be super self interested to do it in this case


@ouroboros I’m glad someone was able to sell :-)

opened a Ṁ131 YES at 5% order

WAIT IM DUMB LOL, I’m sticking to it I guess though

@JoshuaB Fill my sell order?🥺