Would you end all social media? [ACX Survey Question]
resolved Apr 13
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Suppose you could wave a magic wand and end all social media. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, etc. Nobody will ever know it was you, it somehow magically won't disrupt any important projects, and no social media site can never come into existence again. Do you do it?

This is a mirror of an ACX Survey question, because I'm curious what Manifold will say.

I also have a market on what Manifold will want to ban most:

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Isn't manifold considered social media?

I wonder where we draw the line for social media. If Reddit and Discord are social media, wouldn't any forum and website with a comment section be considered social media then? Are YouTube and TikTok social media? Substack, Patreon, OnlyFans, mailing lists? Not sure "etc" means the same to everyone here in this context.

@SIMOROBO I know it when I see it

We would have to go back to TV and Radio, no thanks!

Double negatives sound like a lot of work.

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