What will happen with the controversial Polymarket about Barron Trump's involvement with $DJT?
resolved Jul 14
Any compensation for anyone: Polymarket will give any number of YES holders some amount of monetary compensation (In USDC or otherwise)
Full refund for everyone: Polymarket will give all YES holders the amount they spent in the market, or more
Any compensation for everyone: Polymarket will give all YES holders some amount of monetary compensation (In USDC or otherwise)
Policy change: Polymarket announces any change in policy going forward with the intended effect of making situations like this less common
Clawbacks: Polymarket will somehow "claw back" winnings from people whose "NO" shares paid out
Displayed resolution change: Polymarket will adjust the market page to no longer display "NO" as the resolution

This market resolves based on what will happen with the controversial Polymarket "Was Barron involved in $DJT?".

This market is about events that will take place before market close on midnight PST, Saturday, July 13th. You can add your own answers to this market to speculate on what Polymarket will or won't do.


Fine Print:

Resolutions here will primarily be based on Polymarket's own announcements, and will resolve based on the spirit of the question in ambiguous cases.

For example, if Polymarket announces they are giving full refunds to all YES holders but technically they don't refund every single YES holder because some of them deleted their account or something, the "full refund" option will still resolve YES.

Note that multiple options can resolve YES. If Polymarket pays all "YES" holders some small amount today, that option will resolve but the market will remain open and options like "full refund" can still resolve YES if they happen before this market closes.

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Fascinating. Can someone explain to me how this happened? How did UMA “get it wrong”? I’ve heard that poly market has ~10 “sharks” with all the voting power. Did one/some of them intentionally vote against the popular opinion?

Full refund for everyone: Polymarket will give all YES holders the amount they spent in the market, or more
bought Ṁ500 Full refund for ever... YES

Yup that'll do it. Sounds like we might get a policy change announced before market close too.

bought Ṁ500 Displayed resolution... NO

hm I assumed "monetary compensation" would be valid in the case of refunds but maybe you think of it differently? if so I guess acc ate my profits here rip lol

Yeah they're refunding them in USDC, that's compensation. Those three options should all resolve "yes" and then the policy change option will wait on an announcement of a specific policy change.