There are sure to be many impressive people who have impressive items during my time at Less Online, Summer Camp, and Manifest. I will try to keep track of the impressive items I see by writing them down in comments of this market.
Then at the end of the trip, I will try to fairly determine what the most impressive item I saw was and resolve this market to the corresponding option.
I am not currently sure exactly how I will choose which item is most impressive, and will probably update these resolution criteria later.
I think that I will probably be biased towards novelty, and would be more impressed by something I have never seen done before. So if I see two very similarly impressive items but one of them is new to me, I'd probably consider that item more impressive.
Aside from that subjective element of what I have and haven't personally seen before, I will try to keep my personal taste out of the market as much as possible in order to keep the resolution as predictable as possible for traders.
I might also ask for the opinion of other people at LO/Manifest, or create a poll. It might depend on how many people end up trading in this market.
You can submit additional options to this market, or suggest them in the comments for me to add, but please try to avoid overlap with existing options. If I think a submitted option is redundant with an existing option, I will edit it.
Please also try to keep submissions narrow even if they do not overlap with existing options, so as to allow room for other people to add options that do not overlap with your submission. A more specific submission will also probably get you more favorable odds to bet on.
I will not trade in this market.
See also:
@Shelvacu hmmmm if it runs a normal personal computer operating system then I guess it's a computer. If not we might need a new category for handheld gadgets like a Rabbit R1
@Joshua > normal personal computer operating system
that doesn't really clarify. Would an android phone count as a personal computer?