What will be Manifold's first Good Tweet Of The Month?
resolved May 12
Scott Alexander: Double-check stories about smart people supposedly not realizing the world is more complicated than their equations. https://twitter.com/slatestarcodex/status/1733243040297611542
Duderichy: "The problem with roko is that he’s not very smart" https://twitter.com/Duderichy/status/1477828084019564546
Eliezer Yudkowsky: "I rarely practice that art, but I admit there's an art to saying things without saying them...." https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1741680303436108117
Peter Singer: "zoophilia is more morally correct/responsible than eating animals" https://x.com/PeterSinger/status/1723269850930491707
Yglesias: "I'm all for tent encampments but..." https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1785116316057153851
Plasma Ballin': Roko's basilisk will punish Roko for having such bad takes. https://twitter.com/PlasmaBallin/status/1777119075635720413

My market Good Tweet Bad Tweet has been running for one month now. We have now identified many good tweets. But which tweet is best? This market will resolve based on an approval voting poll/market that I will run with all submitted tweets.

All submissions must have been submitted to my Good Tweet Bad Tweet market and been ruled to be a Good Tweet to be eligible for the poll. Note that you can submit tweets that have not yet been judged to be Good, as long as they have not yet been judged to be Bad. But they must be judged to be Good before the resolution poll is created, or they will be excluded

I came up with this idea on the penultimate day of the month, so I won't actually be strict about it being just about April. I'm thinking I'll make the resolution poll on Sunday the 5th, so you still have time to submit new Good Tweets and have them certified.

This market and the resolution poll/market will then be open from the 5th to the 12th, and close simultaneously. The highest voted tweet will be crowned Best Tweet Of The Month.

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Resolution market/poll is up now!

Eliezer Yudkowsky: "I rarely practice that art, but I admit there's an art to saying things without saying them...." https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1741680303436108117

What Yudkowsky SHOULD have done was use Unicode confusables to write the word. That would have been way more controversial than essentially just doing it.

@ShadowyZephyr Yeah, I was surprised that he thought that what he did was ambiguous when it seemed like a clear-cut YES to me. There are so many ways he could have made it really hard to judge. Though I guess in the end his plan worked anyway because it still led to a big argument.

Plasma Ballin': Roko's basilisk will punish Roko for having such bad takes. https://twitter.com/PlasmaBallin/status/1777119075635720413
bought Ṁ5 Plasma Ballin': Roko... YES

I would like to submit that my version of this tweet is strictly better than Duderichy's tweet because it says basically the same thing but in a funnier way.

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