Hank Green asks: Who is the best famous person?
resolved Mar 23
Mr. Rogers
Hank Green
John Green
Ryan Reynolds
Dolly Parton
Robin Williams
Sam Reich
Mahatma Gandhi
Mother Theresa
Oskar Schindler
Rosa Parks
Nelson Mandela
Barack Obama
Jimmy Carter
Jesus Christ
Taylor Swift
Scott Alexander
Stephen Fry
Keanu Reeves

I can't resist the urge to make a silly market for a silly tweet reply.

This market resolves to the best famous person, as decided by approval voting using this resolution market:

The resolution market will resolve N/A, so all mana spent in it will be returned to traders. It is also unranked and unsubsidized.

At market close at Noon PT on Saturday the 23rd, this market and the resolution market will both close.

This market will then resolve based on this market's final state, with the winner being the person who has the most individual users holding YES shares in the resolution market. It doesn't matter how many shares they hold, or who the users are. Bots will also count towards the total.

This market resolves 100% to that winner.

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I thought this was fun and it's a slow news day, so I've made a sequel:

Insane that Borlaug and Salk lost imo

@MarkHamill If you're utilitarian, one of them would definitely be "best". But other people have other definitions.

John Green 13 - Mr Rogers 14...

John Green's good influence on the childhoods of younger Millennials and Gen Z is arguably comparable to Mr. Rogers' good influence on Gen X and older Millennials!

We've got a generational battle going on here!

He wouldn't be my first choice but I actually do think John's a totally valid winner here.

My favorite bit of his from Crash Course:

“Yeah, about the test...

The test will measure whether you are an informed, engaged, and productive citizen of the world, and it will take place in schools and bars and hospitals and dorm rooms and in places of worship.

You will be tested on first dates, in job interviews, while watching football, and while scrolling through your Twitter feed. The test will judge your ability to think about things other than celebrity marriages, whether you’ll be easily persuaded by empty political rhetoric, and whether you’ll be able to place your life and your community in a broader context.

The test will last your entire life, and it will be comprised of the millions of decisions that, when taken together, will make your life yours.

And everything, everything, will be on it.

bought Ṁ20 YES

@Joshua Yeah, except he undoes it all by his horrifically bad influence on them through Crash Course Philosophy. A sin for which he may never be forgiven.

@Najawin What was so bad about Crash Course Philosophy? (I haven't seen it.)

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Let me give but one example of many, from the second episode. (The first is the fluff "oh, here's what philosophy is, welcome to the series". So this is the first episode with any content in it at all.)

"And here’s a doozy, from 20th century British thinker Bertrand Russell, one of the pioneers

of what’s known as analytic philosophy. Say there’s a town in which all men are required by law to be clean-shaven. This town has only one barber, a man, who must follow strict rules: Rule number one: He must shave all men who do not shave themselves. Rule number two: He must not shave any man who does shave himself. It’s the nightmare of every libertarian and every mustachio’d hipster. But here’s the question: Does the barber shave himself? Cause think about it: The barber only shaves men who don’t shave themselves. So if he does shave himself, then he must not, because the barber’s not allowed to shave guys who shave themselves. But, if he doesn’t shave himself, then he has to be shaved by the barber, because that’s the law. Russell came up with this puzzle to illustrate the fact that a group must always be a member of itself."

This is complete nonsense. On it's face it's just nonsense, that's not Russell's point at all. Even if we're to take anything further from it than a criticism of naive set theory, his proposed solution to it was type theory, in which it was impossible for groups to be members of themselves. This example is completely divorced from the context in which it actually makes sense, and when it's placed back into the context, they draw precisely the wrong conclusion.

And, yeah, it's Hank Green hosting this rather than John Green. But this sin is big enough for the both of them. This is as wrong as you can get.

@Najawin As wrong as you can get? I mean, I can imagine much worse 'educational' content lol e.g. PragerU

@TheAllMemeingEye For this particular question, it's as wrong as one can be. You've removed the issue from the actual context in which it makes sense and even in the broader sense you're taking a message from it that runs counter to the conclusion it actually drew.

EDIT: nevermind he is on the list

@Athena Oh ye of little faith

bought Ṁ1 YES

Huge props to whoever wrote Sam, omg.

@PaintspotInfez What should I know about him?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 former CollegeHumor creation biz, he now is CEO of Dropout which is best known for Dimension 20, Um, Actually, and Game Changer.

Web humor basically

@TiredCliche Thanks, I'm still confused why that puts him in the running for "best famous person".

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Mostly just the fact that he's just a REALLY kindhearted and wholesome guy.

bought Ṁ10 YES

It's still early but John Green is currently in the lead with 5 votes, with Mr. Rogers, Barack Obama, and Bob Ross tied for second place with 3 votes each.

It would be pretty funny to tell Hank that a prediction market analyzed his question for two weeks and decided the correct answer was his brother.

bought Ṁ50 YES

@Joshua Rogers now in the lead with 6 votes after I posted that.

@Joshua Mr. Rogers and John Green now leading 14 - 12

Barack Obama next with 7, and multiple people with 6.


The resolution poll/market is up! As a reminder, the resolution market is unranked/unsubsidized and all options will resolve N/A, returning any mana you spend .

You can vote for as many people as you like by betting YES on them.

sold Ṁ13 YES

@Joshua Oh, also "Other" can no longer split or resolve Yes here. Feels unfair for me to buy that down myself but the person reading this should do that.

bought Ṁ110 YES

I think we can assume that everyone who bet YES on Mr. Rogers will vote for him in the poll. That might already be enough to give him the victory.

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