Will my sneaky plan be thwarted?
resolved Jun 1

I have a sneaky plan to do a thing. That sneaky plan could be thwarted by the actions of others, however. It could also be thwarted if I can't get people to go along with the plan.

If my sneaky plan has not been thwarted by the close date, but it also hasn't succeeded yet, then I will extend the close date.

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@JosephNoonan So what's the sneaky plan? 🙂

@MayMeta It was to use these two markets to manipulate my leagues profit:



I was going to put up a bounty for someone to fill my limit orders, giving both of us 0 net profit but allowing me to gain Leagues profit by delisting one of them (I said I might do this in the description, so it wouldn't be foul play).

I never ended up putting up the bounty, partially because I got sidetracked by a bunch of other things on Manifold, in addition to being busy in real life, and partially because I forgot that I had set those markets to close earlier than the end of May.