Will I run a sequel to the Cursed Market Challenge in 2023?
resolved Nov 3


The Cursed Market Challenge was an experiment in a particular market structure, where traders can form "teams" by betting YES or NO, and the market resolves based on whichever team does better. I was hoping that it would lead to people trying to make the most cursed market to win the challenge, but that didn't really happen. The submissions were all markets that were created for reasons unrelated to the challenge. Now that the experiment is done, I would like to run a sequel using a better format, to avoid the pitfalls of the experimental structure I used for the original. This market will resolve YES if I begin running the sequel in 2023.

My plan is to run a tournament, where the winner of each round is decided by a vote of Manifolders. The tournament structure should avoid the biggest pitfall of the original: There were lots of cursed markets that were brought up in the comments but never submitted because their creators didn't bet on the market. With a tournament, I could just add any market to the bracket, ensuring that all the most cursed markets on Manifold are submitted for consideration. Using a vote instead of judging it myself also makes the results less subjective and would allow my own markets to be included (in the original challenge, I wasn't allowed to submit my own markets or hold shares at close to avoid biasing my judgement).

If there is sufficient interest, I will probably run this tournamant. This market should help me gauge the interest.

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