Will Claudine Gay be replaced by a white male?

Disregarding Alan M. Garber, the interim, will the next president (replacing Claudine Gay) be a white male?

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I think you can read the tea leaves by looking at "who is the first person/people visible above the fold, or the first person you can see as you scroll down" on their homepages. For some reason, the person they choose to feature is usually extremely mis-representative of their student population compared to surveys.

At the moment, Harvard has just one white female

Yale 1 white male, 1 aa female

Brown aa female, white female, group of women, non-white male

Dartmouth, unclear, neither clearly a white male or aa female

Yale Law bountiful representation

Harvard law

Another white male

Harvard is now behind the others on their homepage, and is more white than they have been; I'd guess the pressure on the gas pedal for representation is not as strong due to their recent failures

/Ernie/next-permanent-president-of-harvard this is a market which covers subsets of this. Maybe useful for arb.

Are Ashkenazim white?