Should Manifold Markets implement this feature: Ban pseudonyms and require real names
resolved Feb 3
Elsewhere (, Austin Chen has said that Manifold Markets is considering requiring additional forms of authentication, potentially including government ID. This would defacto require divulging your real name *to Manifold Markets*, which isn't the same thing as banning pseudonyms or requiring real names, since they might keep your real name private and identify you publicly by your username. Resolution: I commit to resolving this question according to whichever option gets the most support (i.e., "no" if %chance is less than 50, "yes" if % chance is greater than 50, and "N/A" if % chance is exactly 50). See here for a request to make this kind of thing a feature: #ManifoldMarkets #FeatureRequest Feb 3, 9:39am: I'm resolving this to "yes" based on my commitment, but I will note that "yes" was at 2% until just before the end of the market.
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bought Ṁ5 of NO
I think the past 10 years have shown us that "real name" policies are fairly orthogonal to security and moderation considerations. Even if there is some marginal benefit to them though, I bite the bullet that I prefer the old web approach of allowing pseudonyms. I think there's better ways to combat botting than requiring a verified government ID or whatever.
bought Ṁ10 of NO
That would pretty much kill new users singing on, I'd think.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
I think it would be a really bad idea to implement this feature. My intent in creating this market is to see if people will bet against against (what I consider to be) a bad feature, or just ignore it.