Would Jesus love LGBTQ+ individuals?
resolved Apr 9

Resolve to Yes if Jesus would love LGBTQ+ individuals

Resolve to No otherwise.

As Jesus myself, I will use my judgement to decide the resolution. Participants are encouraged to cite bible verses to support your position.

The Bible is the highest authority in this market. Questioning the credibility of the Bible will not be tolerated here.

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I never doubted in you my Lord

I love LGBTQ+ individuals. I said it

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All though the Bible never says “God loves everyone” I feel that with this verse he pretty much is saying who ever believes and follows him will receive his endless grace and love which includes LGBT ppl considering no where it says only straight people who believe in me will not perish🤷🏼‍♂️ so anyone CAN be loved and is loved by God including LGBTQ+

One could argue that within Bible, words of Jesus yourself are superior to words of Paul or interpreters or Old Testament. With that in mind, Matthew 19.12 can be used as evidence that you were not bothered by at least some non-standard sexualities (while still bothered by "fornication" as suggested by other loci).

On the other hand, Paul is clearly against (at least male) homosexuality.

There is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

As a devout Jew, I assume that you would agree with the Torah that men who have sex with men, as well as people who transition, are abominations to Yahweh.

I suppose it's possible that you don't accept the book of Deuteronomy, but these opinions were quite common in all sects of hebrew religion at the time.