Will I have gone vegan by the end of 2022?
resolved Jan 1

Just watched a factory farming documentary...

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I have decided that I am going vegan. I have done research, watched some documentaries, participated in veganuary, and I feel confident that this is the right thing for me to do and that I am fully capable of doing it.

predicted NO

@JesseGilbert dammit! lost all my money betting you weren't able to figure it out. dangit, now vegan food will be slightly more expensive until supply responds to the added demand! curses!

predicted YES

@JesseGilbert So you're the reason there was no soy milk left at the store? What is this world coming to?

Presented without comment

Dudes will literally fry their brains with uppers and downers and steal 8 billion dollars instead of eating real food.

It’s not too late to not be SBF.


Never understood the “garbage vegans” like Sbf who eat industrial sludge. And then look like it.

Factory farm meat is superior to 95-ingredient seed oil garbage in every conceivable way—nothing wrong with pure fruits-vegetables but sugar cereal and soy are not fit for human consumption.

Vegetarian/vegans then:

Vegetarian/vegans now:

predicted YES

@Gigacasting Go spew your hatred elsewhere

predicted YES

@Gigacasting health is no excuse for animal abuse

predicted YES

A lot of the comments in this thread have been incredibly unconstructive (I am not referring to gigacasting)

predicted YES

@MichaelBlume Do you think yours is a constructive comment? What do you think was constructive about Gigacasting’s (usual) spamming?

Save the plants!

By all means eat them fresh—but don’t pretend they don’t suffer or that industrial processing into garbage that leads to health problems on top of vitamin deficiencies is morally superior to the only diet that plausibly led to human intelligence or civilization

Perhaps google the thousands of infants killed by vegan radicals and their crazy ideologies

More of this

Less of your hatred for life; just admit you wouldn’t eat ethically raised wild animals nor is there any evidence you’re more kind toward people—you just don’t like meat (and that okay! As long as you don’t murder children with it or pretend it makes you the least bit holier than people whose brains function without half a dozen supplemental pills)

predicted YES

@Gigacasting I suggest you take a deep breath and focus on the question.

predicted NO

@MichaelBlume How about a nice constructive base rate: Last year, 40% of people doing Veganuary planned to stay vegan afterwards https://veganuary.com/veganuary-2021-survey-results/

predicted NO

In the interest of balance and market manipulation, here is a pretty active forum full of former vegans who would not recommend keeping it up: https://www.reddit.com/r/exvegans/

predicted YES

For how long will you have to stay vegan for this to resolve?

@NiclasKupper I will resolve it by New Years. I will resolve yes if I have a committed intention to being vegan going forwards, and no if I don't. I was vegetarian in November and I am being vegan in December, so if I commit to being vegan going forwards I will have reason to believe that I can indeed stay at it.

bought Ṁ450 of YES

there's no excuse for animal abuse :)

predicted NO

I still don't think you can do it ;) it's soooo difficult, you have to, uh, not buy meat! I mean, er, I don't buy meat or dairy, but uh, er, you like, have to check whether things have dairy in them, that's so difficult! you might even need a b12 supplement at some point if you change your grocery store behavior like that! in fact, no human has ever gone vegan before, it's literally impossible. SHORT THIS

bought Ṁ10 of YES

For me, https://veganuary.com/ was a great experience. They provide you with guidance and information, which makes the change to vegan nutrition more fun, easier, and safer.

Overall, I would recommend a vegan lifestyle. If I can support you in some way, let me know.

@Sjlver Hey, thanks! I will definitely look into that. Thank you for the suggestion and offer of support. I am doing no meat November (I made it up) currently, so yeah being vegan for a month could be a good next step.

predicted YES

@JesseGilbert How's it going so far?

@Sjlver Thanks for asking. Pretty good! I successfully made it through no meat November, and it was honestly not as hard as I expected. I was surprised by how much I didn't miss eating meat. I decided that I am going to do Veganuary, except in December. I'm calling it "denounce animal products December". This way I can try it out and definitively decide whether or not I will commit to going vegan by the end of 2022 (so I can resolve the market haha). I really enjoyed looking through all the veganuary resources and I think the emails will be good encouragement. I appreciate the suggestion!