Is this sculpture real (NO) or AI generated (YES) ?
resolved May 20


Answer and proof will be revealed in 24 hours.

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I mean, it has a bit that's floating in midair....

Challenge 6:

Challenge #3:

bought Ṁ100 of YES

one of the mini stones on the mid right is floating

bought Ṁ50 of YES

@jacksonpolack Ah nice catch! I thought the sculpture in the background on the right edge was unintentionally created by MidJourney

@jacksonpolack Would you have ideas for which objects are well suited for such a challenge?

predicted YES

Is this piece of art human made or AI made? This lets you avoid the annoying precise details that real-world objects have

Otherwise, you don't want too much large-scale 3d relationships. And you want images that the model has seen a ton of. Like human faces, pets, maybe an empty beach or sky?

You can also retouch the AI generated image in photoshop a bit, AI artists do that already, just say you may have done it

predicted YES

wow 5000%

@jacksonpolack Very well. I will post the challenges 3 through 5 in this spirit

@jacksonpolack oh is that a bug? How can it surpass 100%? I saw another bug where today someone holds shares on my market without trading on it

predicted YES

bug yep

predicted YES

@JeremySanderson holding shares without trading might be a result of opening a

I am unable to modify the close date. However I will resolve the market in 24 hours


I honestly reckon you should have kept it mysterious lol. The floating rock could have been some glass or weird wire.

I mean hell, I've got a fake finger to make photos of me appear AI generated.

predicted YES