Challenge 6 : Is the first image AI generated (bet NO) or the second (bet YES)?
resolved May 20


It is guaranteed that one of them is real, and the other one is AI generated

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@light thank you for the observation. @jacksonpolack thank you for the tips on how to make better challenges. Today I will again post a series of challenges and this time I will try to do better, and make them harder. Also, I loved your market @jacksonpolack on the similar challenge

predicted YES


I think your prompt should be a bit more detailed to trick.

predicted YES


But it is hard to make it tricky as many AI tells in art are now known.

Can be a manipulative market though as if I think it's AI I might try convince others its not before close and vice versa.

I think a more interesting market might actually be trying to tell apart the AIs

Out of the following most are stable diffusion, spot the midjourney for example.

(Of course this is a terrible test as asome of these stable diffusion ones are terribly dated from the start of this year.)

predicted YES

@JeremySanderson if it some with you (your idea) I'd like to make some similar markets to promote either real artists I know or showcase some of the ai stuff I've seen.

predicted YES

@Fivelidz can you tag me in those markets if/when you make them?

predicted YES

@Fivelidz this is brilliant! Go ahead and create those, and tag me also!

predicted YES

@Fivelidz Oh man, there are so many fun AI challenges. I can't make 'em all!

You should strip images of metadata. First has a UserComment: Screenshot 🤔

@light oh. I will get better, i'm sorry

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I think #1 was modeled / traced on an existing image, and image models do not do that

The second has the perfect, immaculate face, many details looking perfect, thing that a lot of AI art has now that a lot of work's been put into AI art

bought Ṁ20 of YES

@jacksonpolack but gotta admit this was a better challenge than previous ones

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