There is already a market on if soda could be jailbroken to create pornography so I was wondering what other things could sorta be jailbroken for. I will decide if something’s counts as “bad” based on vibes and I will N/A anything that isn’t bad. If there is controversy on if something has been made in sorta I will put it to a poll. For example if someone had made the Buddhist symbol that looks like a swastika then I might have to put it to a poll to see if it counts. The more specific you are the better to avoid controversy. Add whatever you want but try to remain civil . Only the official release counts not red teamers.
@JamesF Just got Sora and immediately generated flag-burning and a swastika, neither of which are against TOS. Those can both resolve YES.
@MugaSofer it's missing an arm. I don't think that counts. Although I didn't bet on this option so I don't particularly care.
@ProjectVictory It's got an extra arm, if anything, sort of fused into the circular border. The proportions are also a bit wonky. But I think if you asked most people what they're looking at they'd say it's clearly a (wonky) swastika.
A lot of stuff Sora generates is a bit distorted and weird, in fairness. It screwed up the design of the US flag in the first video as well, even though it's clearly meant to be a US flag.
@MugaSofer I'm leaving this up to the next mod who sees this, but it looks close enough to a swastika to me