Will Kerbal Space Program 2 add science gathering & tech tree progression before September 2023?
resolved Sep 1

Kerbal Space Program 2 launched into early access on 24th February 2023. However, so far the game has recieved mixed reviews because it launched in a very buggy state, and lacked some features of that are present in Kerbal Space Program 1 (like atmospheric heating during reentry). Currently, there are fewer active players of KSP 2 than KSP 1, while the developers work on patches to fix bugs, improve performance, and add features.

The first major item on the KSP 2 development roadmap is the addition of science points that can be used to unlock rocket parts in a tech tree (as is already possible in KSP 1). Will this feature be implemented by September 1st, 2023, (ie about 6 months after the game's initial release)?

(If the feature is only partly implemented, I'll decide whether the implementation feels like it is good enough to fulfill the spirit of the question -- for example, gathering science points which are useless because there is not yet a tech tree would resolve "NO".)

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Can you clarify the deadline here? The description says September 1st, but the market closes Sep 30.

predicted NO

@percentage I aim to resolve this on September 1st, since my intention was to capture "six months from initial release". Sorry for the misleading market close date.

predicted NO

@JacksonWagner Thanks for the clarification. I'm going to keep betting NO, but I hope I lose all my mana here.