On February 9th, I'll compete in this tournament: https://asjjf.org/main/fighters/1623. Find me in the list, I'm Richard Booth. I'm currently the only competitor in the 30+ white belt 100kg+ division. If no one else enters, I'll win uncontested and be entered in the white belt 30+ open weight division. Will I win gold in that division?
Some relevant information:
I've been training since September of last year. In BJJ, white belt typically lasts up to two years.
I have functionally no non-bjj relevant experience (wrestling, judo, etc)
I lift at maybe a low intermediate level - squat 1.5x bodyweight or so.
This is my first tournament. I'm unfamiliar with the rules
I'm likely to be the heaviest competitor in the open division by 10kg or more.
Let's be real, I'm making this market because I want someone to ask me how the tournament went after it's over ๐
Happy to answer any other questions in the comments. I'll be betting on myself.
My hand is healing pretty well, I've figured out a good way to tape it up in class
https://asjjf.org/public/bracketsView/962425 brackets are out, I have a bye to the semis
Practice your takedowns bro. In white belt especially, playing for top position is very much the way (and considering you have weight advantage. Also, Armbar from mount was the highest percentage submission (41% success rate) in white belt tourney. Both those factors are good to know. Don't even bother with cross collar chokes. All the coaches made their guys wise to that. If you havent already, make sure you have a general game plan. Dont just go with no plan like its a random Tuesday. Get with an upper belt and discuss it and then train that way until tourney day.
The energy expenditure in comps but especially spazzy white belt comps is usually waaay higher than training at the gym so either practice your conditioning beforehand, manage your low energy flow as best you can, or both. And as a bonus, get a little better at understanding grip fighting. Your opponents will have coaches in their corner shouting out instructions. Try to get someone experienced from your school, preferably a coach youve been working with for prep, to corner you at the tourney. They can see things from the side that you wont in the mix on the mat.
Have fun! Get a friend or fam to take videos of your matches so you can analyze them after. Post mortem on losses is more valuable than wins but wins feel great. Win/Win situation Ill def be asking how it went!
@VigzMcHardthrust Yup, I've worked out a bit of a plan with my favorite teacher. My takedowns are ass but I'm alright from half guard and sprawling takedowns to get back. I'll likely finish with bow and arrow/kimura/rear naked from back, or Americana from mount. Never arm barred anyone in my whole life.
Definitely worried about conditioning, but probably not enough time to fix it now. We'll see.
@JTBooth ok. Im a half guard guy too a lot if I end up on bottom. If thats in the playbook than make absolutely sure you fight for that underhook, but just as importantly, monitor his far side arm (the one that would crossface you). If he gets the crossface he can flatten you out and we know how that feels.
In this case id say drill all those half guard sweeps, dogfight position, and picking that far leg from dogfight to gain top position. Watch some Bernardo Faria vids. Half was his bread and butter and he was a monster at it. OH! and Knee shield scissor sweep is $$$$.
Bow and arrow is also $$. They almost never see it coming.
Good luck brother.