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Recent Jimmy Facts

#18 - "My decision to become a Christian was the most important decision I ever made." - Jimmy Carter. Faith was important to Jimmy, in the late 60's just before he became the Governor of Georgia he became a born again Christian. He often spoke on the importance of his faith and how it instructed his views and decisions, but didn't impose his beliefs on others.

"The simple fact is that when I was governor and when I was president, I had my own deep religious beliefs, but I don’t believe that my role as a governor or as a president should be to impose my religious beliefs on others." - Jimmy Carter

#17 - Jimmy Carter made history in 1977 by appointing Patricia Harris as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. She was the first African American woman to hold a cabinet-level position in the US. His support for women didn't stop at simple appointments.

  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act which was an amendment to the civil rights act of 1964.

  • Department of Education. While not directly focused on helping women it did give them education opportunities.

  • Fund the Women's Educational Equity Act which was later passed during the Nixon administration.

#16 - In 1974 senators Hubert Humphrey and Augustus Hawkins introduced comprehensive employment legislation, but it did not pass. In 1975 the bill under went various amendments to address problems folks had with it. In 1976 Jimmy Carter was elected as President and in 1977 he started advocating for this bill and spoke on the importance of passing it. The aim of the "Humphrey-Hawkins Act," was:

  • Establish the goal of "Full Employment" defined as 4% or less unemployment.

  • Establish a goal of 3% annual inflation or lower.

  • Create the Congressional Joint Economic Committee

  • Requirements for the President to submit an annual Economic Report to congress in regards to the goals of the act.

  • Mandated the Federal Reserve to report to congress on monetary policy and its alignment with the goals of the act.

The Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 was signed into law by Jimmy Carter on October 27, 1978. It didn't meet all of it's goals and fell short in many ways. But it was a crucial step forward and still influences policy today.

#15 - In 1973 the Arab oil embargo started a National energy crisis in the United States. Oil exports to the US were significantly reduced. This led to fuel shortages, long lines at gas stations, and increased prices for oil and gasoline.

Jimmy Carter was inaugurated on Jan 20 1977. Only two weeks later on Feb 2 he gave his first State of the Union address. He acknowledged the economic challenges America faced and proposed measures to address inflation and unemployment. He also spoke on the energy Crisis and highlighted the need for energy conservation and independence from foreign oil.

April 18, 1977 Jimmy gives a critical speech known as "Crisis of Confidence" speech. In this speech Jimmy Carter rallied the American populace to confront the energy crisis and stressed the importance of a collective head on approach.

July 15, 1977 Jimmy unveils a comprehensive energy policy which includes several proposals aimed at reducing the United States' dependence on foreign oil and promoting energy conservation. The plan calls for the development of alternative energy sources, increased domestic oil production, and improving energy efficiency.

November 9, 1978 Jimmy signed the National Energy Act into law. This act established the Department of Energy, regulated the fuel efficiency of vehicles, offered tax incentives and funding for research in the renewable energy sector, expanded the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and created the Synthetic Fuels Corporation to oversee the development of synthetic fuels.

These were only a few of the more notable things Jimmy Carter did to pull America out of the Energy Crisis of the late 70's. Education of the work force and his leadership during this time also played a huge role.

#14 - After his Governorship Jimmy Carter set his eyes on the United States presidency. Everything boiled down to him against Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter posed himself as an outside to the standard politician and pointed to his time as Governor of Georgia as proof he could revitalize the economy and get Americans working again. After a few key debates Jimmy Carter barley won the election with 50.1% of the popular vote and 297 of the 537 electoral votes.

#13 - One of the largest problems Jimmy Carter faced during his time as Governor was the economic state Georgia was in. It was dealing with a severe economic recession and unemployment rates were high. Jimmy implemented fiscal reforms including budget cuts and increased taxes. This along with him reaching out to industries and advocating for the training and education of the work force allowed him to turn Georgia's economy around by the time he left office in 1975. This experience would be crucial for his time as President.

#12 - Jimmy Carter was the 76th Governor of Georgia from 1971-1975. In 1976 he ran for and won the US presidency. 1976 was also the year The United States celebrated its 200th anniversary of independence.

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The Iran Hostage Crisis was a major blow to the Carter Administration. While some hailed Jimmy for his diplomacy and patience others scrutinized his failed rescue attempt and inability to quickly get the hostages freed as a sign of weakness. Occurring in the later half of his presidency Regan used this crisis during his campaign to bring into question Jimmy's foreign policy and leadership.

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