This market resolves YES, unless I'm able to turn a profit of at least M$10,000 by resolving it to NO
resolved Apr 3

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Potential profit only M$679. Ah well.

predicted YES

Hmmmm given the closing date, how likely is Isaac to try something fishy here?

@Boklam Hmm, has he been doing similar markets to this one for a while? Doing fishy business tends to leave a wake in your reputation, if your community knows it.

predicted YES

@TylerColeman OK but I'm curious what sort of fishy business it will be...

He's in a low risk, high reward situation. If the numbers get close enough, he could find a way to incentivize a few others to push it over the 10k mark, at the expense of anybody who doesn't sell in time. He'd turn a profit of 10k on this, while accepting a related loss elsewhere to recruit the scammers.

OR he's just having fun and giving away a few points.

sold Ṁ8 of NO

Isn't the profit for a certain outcome fixed at time of trade? I'm confused how you could profit that much without adding more liquidity, later.

predicted YES

@TylerColeman If a whole bunch of people bet YES, then all the money they spent is in the pool. Isaac can make a lot of that money by betting NO.

predicted YES

@Boklam Try it for yourself: if you spend 1000 M to predict NO, it will show "Payout if NO: 1505". That means you stand to earn M505, because there's that much money in the pool.

If a bunch more people bet YES, then that increases the amount in the pool even more.

@Boklam Oh, ok, so he could bet a lot, then resolve it, and collect all/most of the NO bets.

@TylerColeman Uh, YES bets.

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