This market resolves to Yes. Max position Ṁ40 per person.
resolved Nov 25

If any non-bot participant placs one or more bets on YES that total more than Ṁ40, I reserve the right to resolve the market to either N/A or to NO, in whatever way best punishes the user(s) who placed those invalid bets.

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Resolved NO due to Yev trying to cheat the system. If you had bet YES fairly, leave a comment and I'll tip you. Replacement market:

predicted YES

@IsaacKing I'd like a M$40 refund.

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@IsaacKing I bet fairly.

This market resolves to Yes. Max position Ṁ40 per person., 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition