My partner is a professional digital artist. At the beginning of April 2023, will she feel that AI-generated art has been personally helpful when creating artwork?
resolved Apr 11
Resolved as

I've been showing her the latest developments, and we tested out using DALL-E to generate ideas and examples for a project, or to fill in the background of some of her pieces. It performed terribly and was entirely useless. However those were fairly limited experiments, so if she becomes willing to dedicate more time to playing around with such models, she may end up finding a way they can be helpful.

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predicted NO

She said there was one time when she needed a model of a specific pose that she couldn't find on Google, and DALL-E was somewhat helpful there. I asked her for a percentage and she said 5%. It hasn't meaningfully changed her workflow, and she wouldn't find it worth paying for.

Have you discussed this topic again, since?

predicted NO

@firstuserhere Not that I recall.

@TobiasVyseri any new thoughts?

I feel Midjourney is far superior to Dall-E.

bought Ṁ55 of NO

She hasn't tried it any more since then. I'm guessing the most likely way for this to resolve YES will be if a new image model comes out that's comparable to or better than DALL-E 2.

@IsaacKing midjourney v5 just came out and is much better than dall-e v2

predicted NO

Just asked Midjourney for "An African Grey Parrot holding a knife, photorealistic" and got this:

Compared to DALL-E, which returns:

So... better.

predicted NO

Also, why is it only available via Discord‽ This is an extremely annoying UI.

@IsaacKing how is it annoying?

@IsaacKing i find it very handy because i can just use it in my DMs. No scrolling, if i don't want to, and fyi there's a website portal where you can see all your images/browse
