If @firstuserhere walks 100,000 steps in a day in 2023, will they regret it afterwards?
resolved May 10

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Resolving NO since the poll indicates it's pretty likely this did happen, and he expressed no regrets, and shortly afterwards explicitly expressed a lack of regret. I had been hoping for a long-term check, but it seems that will not be forthcoming.

predicted NO

@firstuserhere Do you regret it?

predicted NO

@firstuserhere would you regret winning the market but sustaining substantial injury in the process (a sprain, lots of chafing, bad muscle pain, that sort of thing)?

predicted NO

@Lorxus For me, the market is purely an incentive mechanism. Doing 100k steps has been a thing I've wanted to try, to see if I can do it, but just never found the motivation to seriously consider doing. The market helped with that, and as far as I'm concerned, its a W already.

For me, regret from not attempting the challenge > regret for attempting and failing to do 100k.

But also, I'd rather do proper training + value the process while failing to do 100k steps than doing 100k without valuing the process of achieving it.

@firstuserhere ok that was informative but none of that actually answered my question

it's the day after you successfully walked 100k steps all day, and you've got severe chafing, you sprained an ankle, your legs and core feel like someone's beaten on them with a hammer for hours, and you've got a handful of scrapes from tripping twice. do you feel regret?

predicted NO

@Lorxus Probably not. The high of actually attempting the 100k would be stronger than whatever temporary pain there is.

But how does it resolve if they don't walk 100k steps

predicted NO

@Timboslice Probably N/A given that the question is "If... "

predicted NO

@firstuserhere I wonder how I would feel about an attempt at 100k that I fail.

@firstuserhere sore, blistered, and in need of new shoes