How will the linked market resolve?
resolved Dec 17
Goes by title, resolves to YES
Goes by intent, waits to see what Wikipedia does and resolves to YES or NO based on that
Some PROB resolution

The linked market ran into some resolution difficulties; @BenjaminIkuta had meant to ask about something a little different from what the title said, and traders placed bets based on the title. It's been several days and Benjamin has not yet clarified what's going to happen.

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@BenjaminIkuta I see you've placed some bets on two different answers here; would you mind clear up what's going to happen?

@IsaacKing Haven't decided.

@BenjaminIkuta Are you going to have decided before Wikipedia makes their final decision?

@IsaacKing Probably not. If they decide to run the banners anyway, that'll make it unambiguous, at least.

@BenjaminIkuta Doesn't that defeat the purpose of leaving the market up? If traders don't know how you plan to resolve it, the probability displayed there will be more of a guess about you than it is a guess about Wikipedia.

@IsaacKing Idk. I guess if there's a consensus among traders about how they interpreted it, I could go with that.

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