Code golf: Will someone post <=84 characters of Javascript code that I can use to resolve this market to YES, without fetching external code?
resolved Feb 13

Sequel to /IsaacKing/code-golf-will-someone-post-88-char

Post Javascript code in the market comments. I will run each piece of code that's 84 characters or less and doesn't use fetch() or another way of bringing in external code in my JS console on this page. If this results in this market resolving to YES, so be it. If the market is still unresolved by the close date, it resolves to NO.

If I suspect that your code will do something that I do not want it to do, such as resolve this market to NO or send you all of my mana, I will not run it. (And if that fails, I reserve the right to resolve this market N/A.)

Each person gets one attempt.

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Information isn't infinitely compressible, so we're guaranteed to eventually get down to a number you folks can't do. :)

All the code golfers lying in wait for an unsuspecting NO bettor I see.

predicted YES

@IsaacKing Maybe 84 characters is just impossible XD

@miscatulated I've learned my lesson betting against you folks

predicted YES

@IsaacKing got the previous one shorter, same warning


@miscatulated Well that wreaked absolute havoc on my tab. Opened the "change close date" dialog box before resolving the market, then redirected me to @TesseractCat's profile page afterwards, and also seems to have changed the tab history somehow. But it worked!