Will King Charles be driven off the throne and replaced by Harry, not William (in 2024)?

Tracking predictions from the podcast Oh No, Ross and Carrie! episode 399. Transcript available at https://maximumfun.org/transcripts/oh-no-ross-and-carrie/transcript-oh-no-ross-and-carrie-ep-399-ross-carrie-and-psychics-predict-2024-cancer-cures-and-election-edition/

Carrie Poppy: Okay. So, also Rita Weigel at the New York Post was also interpreting Nostradamus for us. And Nostradamus told Rita Weigel that King Charles will be driven off the throne and replaced by Harry, not William.

Ross Blocher: Specific prediction. I like it.

(Carrie agrees.)

Let’s see how you do, interpreted Nostradamus.

Carrie Poppy: I love this prediction. It’s so specific, and it’s not how it’s supposed to go. So, it’s an actual swing. Love it.

I will resolve according to their evaluation in 2025 ("No" for a zero on their scale, "N/A" for one, and "Yes" for two)

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After browsing the transcript it seems 0 is a solid no and 2 is a solid yes, covering both points of the prediction.

Then 1 is a sort-of or partly-correct prediction. In our case this might be, Charles is “driven from” the throne and is replaced either by someone not-William but still in the succession list— or by someone surprising and not on the succession list, like Megan.

Oh, it resolves according to their judgment, with a decent chance for n/a? That makes me not want to bet this down