Will Moscow be attacked by Ukrainian drones until the end of September 10?
resolved Sep 10

This question resolves YES if any Moscow airport (Domodedovo, Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo) will activate "Plan Cover" at least once until 23:59:59 (UTC+3) 10.09.2023.

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@IK Resolves YES?

I think your question can be more concise that. If the idea you're trying to convey is closer to what you have written in the description.. It would be more accurate to have that as the question. Possibly written as:
"Will any airport in Moscow activate "Plan Cover" at least once by 23:59:59 (UTC+3) 10.09.2023"

cuz i think the main part of this is about the airport and so i think that should be the focus

Moscow being attacked by Ukraine seems too general as a question, espectially when it seems like you're trying to be specifically targeting airports in moscow and whether they use Plan Cover

@higherLEVELING "Plan Cover" is objective indicator. They activate it everytime they see drones in Moscow airspace and you can easily check it on news sites.

@IK Oh ok it's probably just me then I just had a different idea when reading the question and the description. actually, I did read it incorrectly. I thought that the airport needed to be attacked or was central to this. but reading it again and knowing that plan cover activates anytime that drones are in moscow airspace, it makes sense.

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@higherLEVELING no, it's not just you who had a different idea upon reading this question. This is kind of a BS market, because you can basically have it resolve as "Yes" if they activate their plan, there's no verification either way in most cases whether or not there were actual drones in the air spotted nearby any of these locations, just that the plan was enacted for safety's sake.