Will the Norwegian government have a Minister with ~AI in the title Jan 1 2026?

Norway is rumored to get a Minister for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in the next few days. Regardless of whether they get one now, will they have one after the next election?

Has to be a part of the name (in some way or another, see below), not enough to have it as part of the strategy/responsibilities.

Note that there will be an election in September 2025.

I won't bet in this market, as resolution might get tricky.

Accepted terms would be stuff in the spirit of...

  1. Statsråd for Kunstig Intelligens

  2. Statsråd for Digitalisering og Kunstig Intelligens

  3. Statsråd for AI-utvikling

  4. Statsråd for AI-strategi

  5. Statsråd for Teknologi og Kunstig Intelligens


  1. Minister of Artificial Intelligence

  2. Minister of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence

  3. Minister of AI Development

  4. Minister of AI Strategy

  5. Minister of Technology and Artificial Intelligence

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