Will the german Bundestag pass a general speed limit in Germany before 2024?
resolved Dec 31

Related to: https://manifold.markets/Jede/will-there-be-a-speed-limit-in-germ?r=SGFubmVzR2Vvcmc

Germany still has no speed limit. But polls show a 55-60% preference for a speed limit.

The german goverment coalition (social democrats, green and liberals) is divided on this topic. The green party argues that it's impossible to reach the climate goals without a speed limit while the liberal party argues that imposing a general speed limit would be an excessive state intervention. The social democratic party is siding slightly in favour of a speed limit.

The topic was already anticipated to become controversial during the coalition talks because both, the green and the liberal party, promised in their election campaign to impose a speed limit/never impose a speed limit. There are now several other laws that the liberal party is trying to pass and they may try to use the speed limit as leverage in negotiations with the green party.

The market will resolve true if the german Bundestag passes a law by dec 31st 2023 or earlier that imposses a general speed limit on german roads, regardless of when the law will become effective. The decision of the Bundesrat will not be decisive.

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