Will No Labels run a third-party candidate for president in 2024?
resolved Apr 5

The political group No Labels has announced plans for creating a third party in the American political scene, aimed at independent voters. They have said that they will decide whether or not to nominate a ticket after the "Super Tuesday" primaries in March 2024. Will they do so?


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It looks like this will resolve NO, but waiting for an official announcement from No Labels.

@Gabrielle I would expect it to be posted here on their website: No Labels - Latest from No Labels.

@TimothyJohnson5c16 Good to know, thanks! The rumor is that they’re going to make the announcement on Monday.

@Gabrielle It's up now: No Labels 2024 Ballot Project - No Labels.

"Today, No Labels is ending our effort to put forth a Unity ticket in the 2024 presidential election."


Plz end duopoly?

No understand Duverger's Law!

Only end duopoly!

Evaluation criteria: what does "run" mean here? Float a name for up to a few months, or get&keep them on ballots to be voted on?

@JamesBakerc884 I'm looking for some official action, think filing with the Federal Election Commission. I'm not very familiar with the procedures though, so I don't want to say a specific action that might not make sense for a third party. Alternatively I'll accept No Labels making a specific announcement that they are going to be supporting a third party ticket, but it needs to be completely clear, not a vague suggestion.

I am going to extend this market's close date until the election, but I'll resolve early either way if No Labels makes their position clear.


This is the season of political town halls, but there’s one on Monday evening that is garnering some attention in the media pundit class: An event featuring Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman designed to promote the group No Labels.

The streamed event from Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH, is designed to outline a No Labels policy agenda as the group looks to get behind a third-party presidential ticket, focused on the idea that there is a “common sense” bipartisan solution to political polarization.