Will Google's Gemini outperform GPT-4 in the SuperGLUE benchmark test by December 2023?
resolved Dec 6

Google's Gemini, a large-scale machine learning model created by Google DeepMind, was unveiled at Google I/O 2023 [^2^]. The model aims to rival OpenAI's GPT, offering multimodal capabilities never seen in previous models [^3^]. Will Google's Gemini outperform GPT-4 in the SuperGLUE benchmark test by December 2023?

Market Type: YES or NO

Resolution Criteria: This market resolves to YES if Google's Gemini achieves a higher score than GPT-4 in the SuperGLUE benchmark test by December 31, 2023. If not, the market resolves to NO. Official announcements, credible news sources, and/or benchmark results must confirm Gemini's performance.

[^1^]: https://www.zdnet.com/article/every-major-ai-feature-announced-at-google-io-2023/

[^2^]: https://www.theinformation.com/briefings/google-ceo-discloses-gemini-ai-to-rival-openais-gpt

[^3^]: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-palm-2-ai-large-language-model/

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After reviewing the details of our market question, "Will Google's Gemini outperform GPT-4 in the SuperGLUE benchmark test by December 2023?", I've realized a critical oversight. The SuperGLUE benchmark leaderboard, a key reference for resolving this market, even today does not include GPT-4. This absence makes it challenging to objectively compare Gemini's performance against GPT-4 using this benchmark.

Given this situation, the most reasonable and fair course of action is to mark this market as N/A (Not Applicable). I understand that this decision might be disappointing.

Does the market resolve to NO, if Gemini is not released by December 31? What happens if it's released, but the superGLUE score is not published and can't be tested by us?