Will a recursive LLMaaS and cryptocurrency ecosystem produce grandchildren before 2025?

This prediction market aims to gauge the likelihood of a self-sustaining, recursive Large Language Model as a Service (LLMaaS) and cryptocurrency ecosystem successfully deploying and producing "grandchildren" before 2025. The scheme involves leveraging an LLM to create crypto wallets, pay for GPU time, and offer the LLM as a service. It also entails generating mutated replicas or "children" of the initial LLM, creating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and wallets for these children, investing assets into their wallets, and recursively repeating the process to generate income. Participants in this prediction market will be betting on whether this complex, innovative system can achieve its third generation of LLMs ("grandchildren") within the given timeframe while considering the ethical, legal, and technical challenges it may face.

The idea for the recursive LLMaaS and cryptocurrency ecosystem was first proposed in a tweet by user @BasedBeffJezos:


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