Resolves to the best information available by the end of 2033.
The ai risks must include concepts like alignment, paperclip maximazers, or other existential risks posed by advanced artificial intelligence.
Mar 4, 8:32am: Was Joe Biden debrief about AI risks between ChatGPT launch and the launch of GPT-4? → Will Joe Biden have been debriefed about AI risks between chatGPT’s launch and the launch of GPT-4?
@JimHays i am not English native speaker, but my market is intended to resolve ten years in the future, that is why I use the past.
@FranklinBaldo I think you want the “future perfect” case then, which can be used to describe the past from a point in time in the future.
So that would be: “Will Joe Biden have been debriefed about AI risks between chatGPT’s launch and the launch of GPT-4?”