Is it currently one of the last 5 months of 2023?
resolved Aug 1

This market resolves YES on August 1st, 2023.

On January 1st, 2024, I will ask the admins to re-resolve this market to NO. I will ask them multiple times, but I will stop asking them if they give any indication that they don't want to re-resolve this market.

I will not re-resolve this market myself, even if I have the ability to do so.

I am not planning to resolve this market before August 1st, but I might resolve this N/A before August 1st if admins really don't like this market.

I will not trade on this market.

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A more elegant title imo would have been "Will the admins resolve this market?" where you resolve NO first then ask them to switch it to YES

@ShadowyZephyr I chose this wording because I wanted the market resolution to be actually "wrong" when I'm asking for re-resolution.
Under your proposal, the admins can very justifiably say that the market was resolved correctly, and do nothing. (Of course, that could still happen the way it is worded now.)
But you are correct that your title more faithfully captures the question actually being asked in this market.

bought Ṁ17 of YES

I have a feeling that the market won't be re-resolved because upon the date of resolution, the resolution was correct. I think re-resolution should be used sparingly, and only if the market creator intentionally misled traders or resolved a market in a way that was clearly factually inaccurate at the time of resolution. This market is open and transparent enough that I don't think it will fulfill either criterion.

predicted NO

@evergreenemily I disagree, I think the market description lays out the intended way that the market should be resolved, and I was expecting the admins to respect that. I get that it’s a bit silly though

This market can be resolved today, no?

@cloudprism The market description states I won't do that.

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@FlorisvanDoorn foiled again!

bought Ṁ110 of YES

There is absolutely no reason for the Admins to act on on such a request for re-resolution.

@chrisjbillington shouldn't a market be de-listed? I Jean it just means extra work for admins BC they are targeted directly.

@chrisjbillington As a small clarification: when asking for re-resolution, my goal is that the market will be re-resolved no, and I will try to ask it in a way to try to achieve that.
That said, you are correct that that the admins may very well decide that they don't want to engage with a silly market like this.

predicted YES

@FlorisvanDoorn Yes, that's what I understood. But they're unlikely to do it, they have zero obligation to and it would set a bad precedent if they did. Bad for the site (they're trying to make it more serious and less meta) and bad for the admins, who are not going to want to spend their limited time manually resolving markets. Even if they were happy to do one as a one-off, it's better policy to not do any, than to have to about-face later once more people get the idea to do markets like this.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@chrisjbillington I agree with you, the market is fine, but the admins shouldn't even think about re-resolving it.