Will manifold include new resolution criteria / guidelines when people create a new market by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 5

This could be something like clarifying that instead of using the wording "by the end of 2023" I should specify "before the end of 2023" or "at the end of 2023"

(For the purpose of this market it is "at any point before the end of 2023)

Resolution criteria and guidelines that would satisfy this yes condition must satisfy the following conditions. (The "/" can be read as "and/or" both do not have to be present)


>Relevant info must be linked, included or have popped up information when creating the market in the create market panel.

Examples of what would satisfy;

>General wording suggestions. Such as "would Vs could"

>Links to templates on how to explain resolution criteria.

>Warnings about ambiguous phrasings

>Any kind of advice that specifies details on definitions.

>Suggestions to include what criteria can be deferred to.

>Warning that even if the market was worded differently to the actual intent the original wording should be upheld though greater clarity can be added.

Currently Manifold markers includes a "learn more..." link and under that is subsequent links advising one to be clear with criteria and resolutions.

That link does not satisfy as is as;

  1. It is burried under subsequent headings.

  2. It doesn't have any of the examples I have listed that would satisfy.

  3. Even if it was put in a more prominent position it is not "new".

For reference the current description is simply this;

  • Set clear resolution criteria

  • *This is needed so users know how you are going to decide on what the correct answer is. Some questions have obvious conditions for resolution, however, others may be more ambiguous. It is your job to make sure that there are clear boundaries for each answer so users can confidently bet.*

If for whatever reason I am unable to satisfactorily resolve this market resolution by way of majority (70%) vote from individuals with no current vested interest is fair.

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Manifold doesn't currently present the user with any such information when creating a market. There is a wiki in the works with some advice, but it does not satisfy the requirement that:

Relevant info must be linked, included or have popped up information when creating the market in the create market panel.

Creator is inactive, resolving NO.

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Honestly, buying NO because I want to bring some attention + incentive for someone at manifold to give it some thought.

Realistically, it shouldn't need to happen but apparently even adding guidelines that outline general expectations for the words "BY", "AT", "ON", etc. (and even a warning when you submit a market) would be an exceptional QOL improvement for the site. It'd be nice if the same "warning" a maker sees when they create a market with those terms, is displayed for users in some way as well.

Would totally solve this problem which seems to impact so many markets...