The first time I promote to Masters, will I demote straightaway?

Excitingly, I've found myself in the promotion zone. Maybe I'll promote this season. This market isn't about that. This market is about if I do promote, will I demote back to Diamond the following season?

If my first ever stint in Masters is exactly 1 season, resolves YES. If my first stint in Masters is more than 1 season, resolves NO.

Stays open until I promote to Masters. I'm sure it'll happen eventually...

I won't bet.

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bought Ṁ10 YES

I hit masters for first time this month, but I am heading back down in a few weeks!

I hope, for your sake, that I lose this bet, but the Masters is a tough level (at least for me).

bought Ṁ50 YES

@TrickyDuck Yeah, first time for me as well... and honestly it's been nice not worrying about it. I let a couple of markets go unresolved too long and lost my streak, but I've really hustled the last few seasons so it felt good to take a break. Since market creation has been nerfed as a strategy, I feel like all I do on Manifold is make bets, which is a lot more fun than wracking my brain for market ideas.

Came very close this month: 36 mana below 3rd place. (In the easiest cohort of the League!)