Will a Dutch politician hit another Dutch politician before Christmas?
Dec 28

Yesterday the party leader of the Forum voor Democratie said he would hit another politician if they kept pestering him about a topic, this has apparently happened before.

Will any national politicians (1ste Kamer, 2de Kamer or mayor of one of the 10 biggest cities) get involved in a fist fight with a different national politician?

So has to be someone in the Senate or House of Representatives or one of the mayors of the 10 biggest cities.

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Heard some historical context that this did indeed happen... in 1939, when someone called someone else a traitor to the country.

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With the amount of drugs Baudet seems to be consuming, this is likely, but still less than 50%.

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@Bart5f6d He would be my main guess for starting it (or someone from FvD)