Will someone come from Australia to attend Manifest 2024?
resolved Jun 28

It should be someone who literally traveled to manifest from that continent.

NO if no manifest 2024.

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@traders just looking for someone to confirm this happened with the name of the person who did it?

@Gen did but he stopped in Mexico for a couple of weeks first 🙃

@huw were you there? if so, did you come from Oz or are you living in the US/elsewhere?

@Ernie keltan is aussie

we're they at Manifest? I see they only mentioned LO and @Austin asked in the comments if they'll come to Manifest but didn't get an answer (I don't think I met them so I'm not sure if they decided to stay)

Hmm good points. Surely there must be somebody. otherwise I'll unresolve


Huw EvansboughtṀ1,100YES

I'm from Aus and I'll see youse there

What if someone flies from New Zealand but stops off in Aussie on the way? Hypothetically, of course...

my vote is that this counts 😅

(hypothetically of course)

@shankypanky depends how long. if they were previously "living" in nz, and weren't "living in oz" in the meantime, it seems like it'd count. on the other hand if they go to oz for a year for school then fly to manifest, it wouldn't count as "having come from NZ" since it's required to count under "having come from australia" too

@Ernie but if they just stay a day or a week in australia on the way then it's fine. the point is it can't count as being from two places and we have to count it as the most "logical" place for them to be coming from considering all options