Top LK-99 YES holders bail before Aug 25 midnight
resolved Aug 26

One of the top 15 current YES holders (see list below) completely sells out and is out of the main LK-99 market or is a NO holder in it any moment before Aug 25 Friday PST midnight.

The main market: /QuantumObserver/will-the-lk99-room-temp-ambient-pre

If you think this has happened, please post in comments and I'll review it. If the situation has changed by the time I check, we can still reconstruct the past holdings, and we'll go by that.

If person is banned or quits or blocks me or anyone it's irrelevant. They have to sell.

If they just transfer holdings to an alt or something it doesn't count although that would require specific proof.

If they flip to NO on this market, but have hedged it by going very YES on other, related markets, it's unfortunate, but that will still count as bailing out. That way at least it's easy to judge; trying to asses whether someone has truly changed heart, and has gone net NO from YES across all related markets would be too hard.

EDIT: If the main LK-99 market resolves NO before due date, then that is considered a failure for the YES holders, and this market would resolve YES. i.e. both situations resolve to: "YES holders give up hope"

The current top fifteen this market is about:

Catnee Ṁ626,153

Zero Big Ṁ141,359

Alexandros Marinos Ṁ78,476

Ryan Compton Ṁ75,758

Jonny5 Ṁ72,386

James Robinson Ṁ55,869

Hayden Jackson Ṁ51,170

Bob Ross Ṁ46,035

Lucas Vasconcelos Ṁ42,413

Zubair Zia Ṁ40,724

Mr. B Ṁ39,258

Manu Kumar Ṁ38,597

Julian Ibarz Ṁ37,373

Eli Winter Ṁ37,168

Sten Nygren Ṁ35,995

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bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

@StrayClimb whilst you're resolving markets, this one resolves NO

predicted NO

@StrayClimb State of play at midnight pacific time. Looks like this resolves NO

(midnight PST is actually one hour from now, but I suspect you meant PDT)

predicted NO

Not much change today except Catnee going deeper YES

change since start of market

catnee up to 1.2m (+580k)

zero 194k

alexandros 78k

ryan 75k

jonny 72k

james 55k

hayden 97k (+46k)

bob 46k

lucas 60k (+18k)

Zubair 40k

Mr. B 39k

Manu 38k

Julian 37k

Eli 37k

Sten 36k

predicted NO

Yes holders, who do you have your eye on? Most of the list is inactive

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Catnee up to 834k YES

Zero Big +34k YES

Alexandros - inactive since 8/9

Ryan - inactive since 7/31

Jonny - inactive since 7/31

James - inactive since 8/2

Hayden - +47k YES

Bob - Inactive since 8/14

Lucas +16k YES

Zubair - Inactive since 7/31

Mr. B - Inactive since 8/2

Manu - Inactive since 8/1

Julian - Inactive since 7/31

Eli - Inactive since 8/5

Sten - Inactive since 8/1

So overall there are only a few active people, and they all have increased their NO position. So this really is a question of whether Catnee, Zero, Hayden or Lucas will bail in the next few days, or any of the people who probably don't even log on anymore will come back and liquidate, rather than just never think about it again.

Edit: fixed typos

predicted YES

@StrayClimb you mean YES instead of NO every time right?

predicted NO

@Ramble Yes, sorry, fixed now.

predicted NO

YES holding strong

bought Ṁ30 of NO

YES holders seem to be digging in, or not changing position. I wonder if the pressure to sell causes further investment into that side

predicted NO

Today's update: a few more YES holders are going deeper, none have reduced holdings at all

predicted NO

Today's update: None of the top 15 have divested any YES shares, and a few have gone slightly farther YES

bought Ṁ20 of YES

The first defector can make back some of their losses via this market and the volatility markets. Subsequently defectors will find it harder.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

@Ramble yes that's the plan

The market resolving NO does not mean I give up hope on LK-99; the market, though, sure.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@cloudprism Hmm, there should be a market about this. Something like "Given the main LK-99 resolves NO, how many people are still believers?"

But how could we measure it? Maybe just an overlay like "The LK-99 researchers work will be revived within a year after X market ends?"

@StrayClimb Eh, all I really know is that there was a growing difference between the intensity of enjoyment I saw from people claiming LK-99 isn't real and that "it's over" compared to the several months remaining ahead where we'll likely continue learning more details from places closer to the original source. If they truly admit NO and explain why then I guess I'll concede. I've already committed and doubled-down with a ton of mana (for me, anyway) on this and I'd rather not continue speculating on derivative markets through this and next year. Yes, relatively authoritative and credentialied sources are already claiming that it is debunked, but we are still far from a definitive last word. No sense realizing any losses until then.

/StrayClimb/top-lk99-no-holders-bail-before-aug is the opposite claim, despair in the NO camp