Midyear is June 30 2024
Show up means come to a meeting having read the stories and joining in a normal way
Semipermanent means someone who comes at least 3 times in a row
We are looking for a place besides my house to meet. It should be open til 830 or 9 or later, and have enough room, be warm, and not mind us hanging around. Cafe is usually best although bookshops or others work. We'd love to move and meet in a more public place if we could.
End date should be clear; this whole market will not end but individual ones can
You can submit your own but make them resolvable if you can
Also submit stories like whether people will like them?
Hmm maybe we can have markets based on average ratings of stories in the group? Hmmmmm that could be fun
Unless otherwise specified, the term of a bet is til EOY 2024 but I will be adding longer term ones too
Our website: sfsfss.com
The flyer 1:

Ads put up in San Mateo on Jan 9 2024. Philz, and on the street.

Finally: the group is also known as "sfsfss" or sfsfss.com
Updates: we had 8 at the last meeting. Of them, four are new in the last 2 months and one in the last half year, with the remaining three long timers. We're getting a lot of new people lately!
I'm gradually transitioning back to meeting every week instead of every other
We've got a writing event coming up in March, and are reading the novel Crystal Society in the background, too